Wednesday, 19 June 2013

a very pretty distraction

images from Cote De Texax blog... thank you for making my week

Escaping from my ho-hum week of suburban wife/motherhood, I have been escaping in to the 'It's Complicated' house.  This would be my dream home.  I would even forgo a Cape Cod dream house or my Formosa Road dream house for THIS house!

Trying to live in the moment and be mindful of my time and days, although it has been hard this week.  School holidays start on Saturday and I am dreaming of the squally winter coastline of Northern New South Wales just a little too much.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Three weeks to go...

Getting very cranky with the arm splints.  Nearly three weeks done - three to go!  The countdown is on.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

First fete... just getting used to this whole school thing!

First fete prep ever.  I can't believe that my Mum and Dad this every year for what feels like forever! Plus the netball/swimming/triathlon support, help, baking and set up/pack up.  How do I ever even begin to repay my parents?

Very daunting and my only contribution is baking and preserve making (first time for both).  As long as it does not have my name on, surely I can not be held responsible for food poising/botulism?

Sunday, 2 June 2013

1. Nightfury (or commonly called Toothless) was taken on an amazing adventure courtesy of little one's arm splints velcro.
2. Middle one.
3. Gelison our new adopted Orangutan courtesy of my beautiful Aunt.
4. Starting work on finding little one the best infant team of Allied Health in the 'outside' world.  They may be the most amazing physio, speechy or OT but I need them to suit little one and that is the tricky part.